Law Enforcement Extreme Close Quarters Combat Training

ecqcOfficer safety and proper use of force are at the front of everyone’s minds these days and success in maintaining officer and subject safety starts with a solid foundation from the beginning. If the foundation, or in this case, the basics, are not developed then whatever is put on top will not be solid. So to that end, this course has been created to reintroduce you to some of the basics as well as expand upon them with current training methods and principles. This Extreme Close Quarters Combat course has been taught to law enforcement around the world. We will look at models of self-protection and awareness, adrenaline and its effects, what to look for pre-attack, simple yet effective strikes, developing and implementing default cover, ballistic manipulation, active control, third party intervention, moving from open hand to weapons and retention among other things. Maintaining officer safety and proper use of force are paramount to this training. The course will include some classroom lecture as well as hands on activities and drills. By keeping this principle based instead of technique based, you can modify the hands on portion to suit your needs. The drills in this course are mainly geared towards the non-compliant and potentially violent subject at extremely close quarters.

This course can be offered as a Law Enforcement Instructor certification as well. Attendee must be a current Law Enforcement Trainer employed by a Law Enforcement Agency.

** This course is offered only to bonafide Law Enforcement personnel. Credentials must be provided.

To find out more about this unique program or to set up a class, please contact us.

List of Agencies who have attended training with us:
Federal Reserve Law Enforcement
United States Coast Guard
CIA Police
Alexandria VA PD
Wayne County SO
North Dakota Highway Patrol
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Ohio Division of Watercraft
Riley County Police
Blue Ash Police
City of Grande Prairie TX Police
Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Police
Eau Claire SO
Burnsville PD
West Vancouver Police Department
Kenai Police Department
Metro Nashville PD
Woodbury PD
Edmonton PD
Champaign IL PD
Canyon County PD
Riverland Community College PD
Lawson Handgun Institute

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